
NE Kansas News

Friday, February 21, 2025

Amount of taxpayer-funded subsidies plummet in cities associated with Brown County in 2021

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Farms throughout cities in Brown County received $8.8 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 622 farmers in cities within Brown County received a total of $12.5 million in 1,255 farm subsidies, a 41.4% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $21.3 million in 2,546 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Brown County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Bureau of Indian Affairs$1,397,360$2,463,20276.3%
Ryan M. Patton$337,006$204,420-39.3%
Daniel O. Kopp$238,302$185,373-22.2%
P & J Farms, Inc.$279,812$180,178-35.6%
Reesman Investment, Corp.$238,301$169,136-29%
Elliott Farms, Inc.$170,309$165,835-2.6%
Jacobsen Farms, LLC$138,587$165,03019.1%
Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas$117,602$161,02036.9%
Menold Bros, Inc.$232,983$160,943-30.9%
Albertson Farms, Inc.$79,653$148,59386.6%
Green Valley Farms$134,373$136,7931.8%
Terence M. Reschke$105,948$135,57828%
Laus Creek Farm, Inc.$242,198$134,708-44.4%
Precision Farms, LLC$227,044$130,226-42.6%
Grimm Farms, Inc.$382,039$123,244-67.7%
Michael Oltjen$152,740$122,676-19.7%
Larmar, Inc.$146,637$112,071-23.6%
Douglas L. Brockhoff$266,804$107,151-59.8%
Roger W. Meyer$101,200$104,4643.2%
Herbert C. Bebermeyer II$104,471$97,414-6.8%
Max Oltjen Land & Cattle Company$129,560$96,098-25.8%
Curtis J. Blevins$110,848$93,742-15.4%
Menold Farms, Inc.$160,534$93,304-41.9%
Tommie L. Stirton$136,696$93,065-31.9%
Howard Farms, Inc.$337,144$92,437-72.6%
Bradley B. Blevins$101,089$88,260-12.7%
Mark Mueller$128,049$81,497-36.4%
Jeff Compton$99,378$76,304-23.2%
Donald J. Haverkamp$111,639$70,976-36.4%
Double G & L, LLC$237,319$69,848-70.6%
Roger R. Hinton$44,078$66,43450.7%
Paul A. Twombly$50,352$65,78130.6%
Brett S Trentman Revocable Trust - Brett Trentman$83,644$64,746-22.6%
C & C Stover Farms, Inc.$113,142$64,736-42.8%
Sommers Farms, Inc.$64,573$63,839-1.1%
Joseph E. Noll$57,622$62,8669.1%
Mary Beth Kolenda$51,546$62,37421%
Prairie Springs Farms, Inc.$58,792$62,2085.8%
Pine Ridge, Inc.$391,261$61,874-84.2%
Tedd Bebermeyer$37,341$61,12963.7%
Lester H Trentman Trust - Lester Trentman$86,202$60,520-29.8%
Reschke Wilson Farms, LLC$120,308$60,413-49.8%
Gary L Merkel - Gary & Virginia Merkel Trust$80,859$59,204-26.8%
Bryan Farms, Inc.$285,472$59,134-79.3%
R & D Farms, Inc.$285,787$58,959-79.4%
Thomas K. Hooper$66,699$58,398-12.4%
Scott A. Williams$67,163$57,740-14%
Tryon Farms, Inc.$182,193$56,416-69%
Henry Farms of Brown County, Inc.$65,683$56,087-14.6%
Terry B. Aller$44,731$54,33721.5%
Weldon L. Aue$88,399$54,105-38.8%
Flying N, Inc.$55,273$52,836-4.4%
Rice Family Farms, LLC$181,968$52,720-71%
Scoby Farm, Inc.$48,560$52,5728.3%
Fred Kopp Family Trust - Fred Kopp$281,632$50,618-82%
Brady L. Chadwell$69,227$49,896-27.9%
Maze Farms, Inc.$94,259$49,446-47.5%
Dale K. Williams$61,064$49,333-19.2%
Alan Yaussi$88,695$47,948-45.9%
Marvin E Mueller - Marvin & Maryann Mueller Rev Trustee$48,181$47,822-0.7%
Amy J. Kopp$99,914$47,551-52.4%
Heinco, Inc.$131,395$46,319-64.7%
Euchre Creek Farms, Inc.$50,675$46,188-8.9%
James M. Hall$57,656$45,649-20.8%
KRC Farms, LLC$154,409$45,268-70.7%
Matthew M. Mueller$49,373$44,974-8.9%
Lucian Moore III$34,134$44,10729.2%
Hazel I. Steely$23,606$43,39083.8%
Ebel Farms, Inc.$95,507$42,631-55.4%
Glacial Hills Land Company, Inc.$32,661$42,41229.9%
David A. Pfister$86,139$41,210-52.2%
Douglas W Spellmeier$23,082$40,98377.6%
Covert Farms, LLC$144,198$40,027-72.2%
Summit Farms, Inc.$0$39,420--
Matthew E. Wenger$48,570$38,821-20.1%
Brent D. Wikle$42,255$38,757-8.3%
Arthur Yaussi$46,919$38,412-18.1%
Kimmi Lumber & Sawmill$0$38,232--
Bunck Seed Farms, Inc.$119,783$37,626-68.6%
Reschke Family Farms, LLC$28,524$36,95029.5%
Knudson Farms, Inc.$131,852$36,409-72.4%
Donald C. Wikle$42,361$35,660-15.8%
Mark E. Knudson$98,375$35,353-64.1%
Gigstad, Inc.$90,030$35,087-61%
Sagebrush Farms, Inc.$112,010$34,745-69%
Kent L. Spielman$138,604$34,605-75%
Tietjens PTNRS$120,261$34,565-71.3%
Douglas Meyer$33,279$34,1952.8%
Curt Jacobsen$20,649$33,86664%
Donald J. Becker$95,798$33,679-64.8%
Charles R. Gruber$102,293$33,576-67.2%
Ronald E Wenger - Ronald E&kathleen Wenger Trust$67,787$33,252-50.9%
Edward Hageman JR Revocable Living Trust$118,737$33,075-72.1%
Samuel L. Schuetz$31,858$32,4401.8%
James Zwonitzer$110,244$32,360-70.6%
J. R. Isch$2,257$31,8941,313.1%
Gordon T. Hooper$39,102$31,890-18.4%
Dirk Jamvold$104,171$31,382-69.9%
Grimm Bros, LLC$138,787$30,742-77.8%
William E. McCauley$167,217$30,545-81.7%
Lucas W. Heinen$185,870$30,076-83.8%
Frederick E Maschewski$30,113$29,910-0.7%
M & O Farms, Inc.$200,588$29,754-85.2%
Gary F. Pyle$32,373$29,472-9%
Dayton Covert$0$28,800--
Larry L & Diane M Brockhoff Rev Liv Trustee - Diane M Brockhoff$31,187$28,292-9.3%
Dean Harden Rev Living Trust$96,120$28,236-70.6%
Mark E Steele - Mark & Faye Steele Trust$53,143$28,040-47.2%
Bruce A. Knudson$88,589$27,611-68.8%
Ryan J. Haverkamp$97,876$27,600-71.8%
Joey Barnes$22,914$27,39219.5%
M & M Land, Corp.$57,181$27,216-52.4%
Jane Bebermeyer$20,238$27,16134.2%
Shirley Family Farms, LLC$84,117$26,099-69%
Roger a & Elizabeth a Ploeger Trust - Roger Ploeger$63,743$25,952-59.3%
Quarter N Land & Cattle, LLC$17,443$25,80647.9%
Rex E. Lockwood$74,698$25,368-66%
Swearingen Farms, LLC$97,523$24,824-74.5%
Lucas R. Moore$34,943$24,775-29.1%
Mark T. Noll$121,989$24,567-79.9%
Harland - Harland J Schuster & Suzanne E J Schuster$45,209$24,494-45.8%
Garry W. Oswald$52,494$24,158-54%
Benjamin a Rettele$132,874$23,645-82.2%
Debra J. Reschke$81,049$23,324-71.2%
Wilson Bros, Inc.$36,129$22,697-37.2%
David Barnes$19,192$22,50717.3%
David E. Compton$62,997$22,035-65%
Kenneth Krug$17,204$21,99327.8%
Mark D. Meyer$97,289$21,843-77.5%
Daniel Gruber$42,856$21,827-49.1%
Robert Bruce van Epps$22,158$21,508-2.9%
Alvin R. Wenger$8,364$20,993151%
George L. Hageman$43,428$19,853-54.3%
Kristopher M. Kessler$21,473$19,848-7.6%
Rodney P. Lierz$65,487$19,791-69.8%
Keim & Keim Farms, LLC$25,842$19,711-23.7%
Kurt D. Snyder$69,089$19,622-71.6%
Jonathan W. Pollock$42,770$19,447-54.5%
David W. Holle$110,848$19,442-82.5%
Steven R. Lock$24,418$19,050-22%
Shawn Loyd$21,358$18,931-11.4%
Ronald D. Wenger$2,935$18,699537.1%
Tollefson Farms, Inc.$91,799$18,596-79.7%
Hillyer Farms, Inc.$83,873$18,279-78.2%
Marvin W and Barbara a Moore Rev Liv Trust$10,986$18,20165.7%
Gary P. Schuetz$19,163$17,813-7%
Paul J. Gibbs$29,693$17,807-40%
David R. Wilson$12,086$17,80247.3%
Urban Construction, Inc.$81,934$17,452-78.7%
Timothy N. Lehew$48,913$17,442-64.3%
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska$0$17,376--
John R. Hall$28,288$17,278-38.9%
Todd R. Gruber$15,999$17,2007.5%
Keary M. Strube$29,939$16,900-43.6%
Marilyn a Sommers - Sommers Family Trust$14,422$16,16412.1%
Keithen J Kopp$48,471$15,728-67.6%
Ryan D. Swendson$57,246$15,690-72.6%
Sherman Dodge$40,208$15,566-61.3%
Kevin C. Kiehl$57,672$15,437-73.2%
Patsy J Yaussi Revocable Living Trust$44,971$15,366-65.8%
Allen Dreher$19,935$15,334-23.1%
Gordon R. Knudson$53,295$15,294-71.3%
Patrick J. Quilter$19,091$15,254-20.1%
Daniel W. Hermesch$34,942$15,110-56.8%
Matthew L. Aller$12,182$15,03223.4%
Loose Place, Inc.$57,970$14,930-74.2%
Ricklefs Farm, LLC$14,025$14,8796.1%
Joyce A. Brockhoff$16,518$14,867-10%
Robert D. Bowen$23,323$14,694-37%
James L. Siebenmorgen$51,049$14,561-71.5%
James Troy Holthaus$33,827$14,495-57.1%
Merlin Gruber$26,853$14,453-46.2%
Larry R Ewing-Larry R Revocable Living Trust$31,287$14,397-54%
Steven R Jones Living Trust R Jones$8,513$14,18266.6%
Alvin G. Siebenmorgen Jr.$26,411$14,014-46.9%
John Kreider$37,545$13,592-63.8%
Robert P. Gruber$19,715$13,521-31.4%
Robert Kleopfer$11,170$13,34819.5%
Robert E. Rork$41,347$13,294-67.8%
Douglas W. Miller$4,697$13,037177.6%
Kevin D. Wikle$52,329$12,830-75.5%
Phillip Hinton$15,871$12,810-19.3%
Randy Fee$23,442$12,721-45.7%
Wagoner Farms, Inc.$7,319$12,71573.7%
Raymond H. Gruber$19,672$12,685-35.5%
Bernard L. Chadwell$12,522$12,6651.1%
Angela K. Kreider$12,151$12,1510%
Mission Creek Agent, LLC$39,068$12,139-68.9%
Jared Lock$16,382$12,014-26.7%
James H Spellmeier$75,000$11,893-84.1%
Korthanke Farms, Inc.$45,781$11,824-74.2%
Ruth M. Moore$11,716$11,576-1.2%
Heiniger Agent, LLC$25,037$11,572-53.8%
John M. Knudson$57,295$11,523-79.9%
Bill Rieger$32,819$11,352-65.4%
John E. Zimmers$8,556$11,17630.6%
Dennis L. Wenger$18,477$10,986-40.5%
Greg Strube$37,734$10,886-71.2%
Donald Yaussi Revocable Living Trust$9,383$10,82815.4%
Joshua Spellmeier$66,138$10,788-83.7%
Jeremy Twombly$21,909$10,698-51.2%
Neal M Lehew and Joan M Lehew Rev Trust$22,626$10,582-53.2%
Jay Bechtold$28,752$10,542-63.3%
Cashman Bros$22,536$10,534-53.3%
James E. Holthaus$41,327$10,515-74.6%
Rich Kiehl$38,150$10,440-72.6%
Jerry C. Aller$31,719$10,351-67.4%
Richard Tesoriero - Richard & Pamela Tesoriero Family Trust$25,690$10,308-59.9%
Eileen Koppa$24,936$10,216-59%
Alvin F Rieger, Inc.$11,934$10,045-15.8%
Thomas L & Joyce E Lockwood Rev Living Trust$27,438$9,909-63.9%
Rick R. Klein$21,722$9,887-54.5%
Michael Brockhoff$19,825$9,873-50.2%
Tanner Campbell$32,968$9,807-70.3%
Jamie J. Kruse$23,489$9,793-58.3%
Leonard G. Johnson$27,945$9,624-65.6%
David C. Olson$31,862$9,492-70.2%
Hartter Farms, Inc.$14,912$9,428-36.8%
Margaret R. Berger$8,576$9,3098.5%
Twila P. Aller$8,318$9,19210.5%
Donald R and Betty J Barnes Rev Trust$10,039$9,119-9.2%
Winter Farms, Inc.$34,141$9,117-73.3%
Terry W and Doris J Strube Living Trust - Terry W Strube$30,862$9,073-70.6%
Leon Wissmann$7,641$8,99717.7%
Micah D. Grimm$3,324$8,969169.8%
Paul D. Tubach$5,558$8,94961%
G & O, Inc.$17,462$8,837-49.4%
Charlene Gernon - Charlene a Rev Trust a Gernon$15,170$8,754-42.3%
Kowen Robert Kopp$24,107$8,711-63.9%
Dustin C. Jones$44,290$8,636-80.5%
David G Overdick$17,426$8,626-50.5%
Cory L. Knudson$30,086$8,555-71.6%
Kristy S. Schweitzer$30,969$8,352-73%
Jesse K. Ploeger$23,415$8,321-64.5%
Jeffrey A. Brockhoff$6,784$8,17820.5%
Dennis E & Kimberly K Kleopfer Rev Liv Trust - Dennis E Kleo$35,772$8,075-77.4%
Virgil C Wenger Rvoc Living Trustee Agreement$5,808$8,05138.6%
Powercat Land Company, Inc.$281,849$7,972-97.2%
Kurt M. Haverkamp$28,393$7,894-72.2%
Connie D. Maas$9,216$7,882-14.5%
Dennis van Swol$7,600$7,8142.8%
James F. Schesser Jr.$20,398$7,814-61.7%
Chad M. Gormley$42,134$7,782-81.5%
Keith C. Olsen$28,357$7,754-72.7%
Marianne L Schmitt - Marianne L Schmitt Rev Trust$10,615$7,669-27.8%
Edward M Finger Irrevocable Trust Dated June 25, 2020$0$7,461--
PJ Farm, LLC$0$7,438--
Michael W. McClain$16,388$7,411-54.8%
Thomas S. Torkelson$30,124$7,383-75.5%
John L. Weingart$34,468$7,352-78.7%
Elmer Lee Schmitz$22,360$7,312-67.3%
Timothy A. Neher$3,639$7,297100.5%
Robert Paul Jones$26,312$7,173-72.7%
Vernon D. Wenger$19,958$7,139-64.2%
Kevin L. Chadwell$25,114$7,079-71.8%
Jason K. Hooper$13,689$7,010-48.8%
Elaine Salverson$7,003$6,991-0.2%
Bruning Farms, LLC$44,124$6,986-84.2%
Joshua Falk$30,871$6,951-77.5%
Dwight A. Kruse$41,798$6,949-83.4%
Wesley D. Selland$14,189$6,921-51.2%
Bradley W. Reschke$37,918$6,824-82%
Donald E. Nye$21,883$6,824-68.8%
Edward Sourk$8,739$6,778-22.4%
Precision Organics, LLC$8,899$6,606-25.8%
Frank King Jr.$3,816$6,58572.6%
Michael J. Rogers$26,600$6,527-75.5%
B-Two Cattle Company, Inc.$21,345$6,506-69.5%
Douglas E Rodvelt$19,427$6,444-66.8%
David E. Kerl$17,466$6,429-63.2%
Michael Rork$20,539$6,423-68.7%
Ryker A. Pyle$18,699$6,329-66.2%
Mark a Iverson Rev Liv Trustee$11,627$6,297-45.8%
Luella G Mueller Tui Trustee 6941$39,545$6,294-84.1%
Richard E. Zeltner$23,042$6,074-73.6%
Paul J Lueske$23,212$6,071-73.8%
Ryan Menold$6,272$6,045-3.6%
Warren Selland$21,556$6,036-72%
Roger Gatz$6,110$5,965-2.4%
Calvin K. Brougher$0$5,898--
Larry Sextro$21,683$5,853-73%
Wolf River Farms, LLC$3,637$5,76858.6%
Rosalie J Koppa Trust Dated August 14 1997$2,590$5,722120.9%
Jack E. Geiger$15,084$5,719-62.1%
J & C Hall Partnership$9,420$5,606-40.5%
Evelyn R Lierz Revocable Living Trust$6,893$5,584-19%
Lawrence L Lierz Revocable Living Trust$6,893$5,584-19%
Robert L. Shaw$7,990$5,513-31%
Greg Lock$11,816$5,506-53.4%
Matthew D. Tietjens$13,790$5,477-60.3%
Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri$5,409$5,270-2.6%
Michael L. Herbster$5,242$5,220-0.4%
Greg Knudson$10,604$5,016-52.7%
Bryn Pleasant Farms, LLC$19,827$4,988-74.8%
Keith D. Wilson$22,819$4,845-78.8%
Crossdale Farms$3,425$4,83041%
Laurence Berger$5,137$4,812-6.3%
Eric E. Niehues$23,847$4,809-79.8%
J Walden Farms, LLC$3,280$4,79646.2%
Allen R. Torkelson$13,103$4,795-63.4%
Ununda Farm Limited Partnership$11,156$4,718-57.7%
Animal Health Center PA$22,277$4,699-78.9%
Barbara a Oltjen Trust - Barbara a Oltjen$4,394$4,6736.3%
Mary Jane Dawson$4,464$4,6574.3%
Kent E. Grimm$6,162$4,648-24.6%
Steam-Engine Show Pigs, LLC$2,060$4,640125.2%
Gale G. Kellenberger$11,713$4,636-60.4%
David K. Mathewson$30,324$4,576-84.9%
Twila S. Mininger$12,222$4,567-62.6%
Dustin J. Gormley$21,188$4,541-78.6%
Connie Sue Miller$0$4,484--
Carolyn Olsen - Carolyn E & Edwin Claire Olsen Rev Trust$15,101$4,484-70.3%
Derrick E Rodvelt$7,463$4,451-40.4%
Paul L. Key$20,290$4,445-78.1%
Dwight Diebolt$12,927$4,434-65.7%
Jeremy M. Patton$27,546$4,345-84.2%
Cory D. Heiniger$30,765$4,310-86%
Michael D. Patton$28,526$4,287-85%
Patricia Olson$15,854$4,277-73%
G E Rork Liv Rev Trust$13,623$4,257-68.8%
Shelby G. Rice$5,316$4,245-20.1%
James E. Ewing$9,989$4,239-57.6%
Bruce L. Chalfant$18,738$4,182-77.7%
Jill M Hrencher$4,734$4,125-12.9%
Jim R. McKim$16,740$4,116-75.4%
Larry Weast$4,069$4,0690%
Geral Blanton$0$4,008--
Steven R Kanel - Steven R & Margaret E Kanel Rev Trust$2,366$3,98468.4%
John F Gernon Trust$1,895$3,950108.4%
Cheryl Bowman$3,966$3,895-1.8%
John W. Bowman Jr.$3,966$3,895-1.8%
Clinton D. Meyer$5,888$3,857-34.5%
Kenneth Wilson$9,577$3,855-59.7%
Stephen R. Wilson$4,368$3,850-11.9%
Daniel Larson$12,374$3,767-69.6%
Connie L. Yaussi$4,566$3,761-17.6%
Glenn E & Gloria J Sanner Rev Liv Trustee$9,488$3,721-60.8%
Darrin D. Molt$11,763$3,719-68.4%
Terry S. Siebenmorgen$2,838$3,66329.1%
Daryl Schooler$20,223$3,656-81.9%
Delaney Farms$7,304$3,624-50.4%
Jeffrey Adam Moore$11,806$3,599-69.5%
Dustin W. Libel$10,704$3,581-66.5%
Steven W. Manche$7,993$3,574-55.3%
Austin Lee Spielman$5,658$3,571-36.9%
Alan Ellerman$15,417$3,566-76.9%
Curtis L. Wenger$10,607$3,542-66.6%
Dennis Manche$11,887$3,496-70.6%
Joseph R. Smith$11,039$3,482-68.5%
Norma J Rodvelt$9,719$3,444-64.6%
Denton Acres, Inc.$15,833$3,440-78.3%
Thomas P and Ann E Jones Rev Trust-Thomas P Jones$4,038$3,440-14.8%
Jim Schesser Sr.$10,292$3,427-66.7%
Dennis Ross$8,586$3,191-62.8%
Kevin W. Strube$8,319$3,185-61.7%
Michael K. Schmitt$0$3,152--
Ilene Severson Henning Trust$6,945$3,147-54.7%
Thomas Joseph Gormley$11,640$3,097-73.4%
Eli J. Wenger$3,530$3,076-12.9%
Michael W. Burnett$8,239$3,054-62.9%
Johannes Family Farms$3,592$3,040-15.4%
Walker Century Farm, LLC$4,828$3,011-37.6%
Griffith T. Howard$7,152$3,002-58%
Raymond E & Marilyn Wehrman Rev Trustee$1,933$2,98954.6%
Donald M Lacounte$6,402$2,970-53.6%
Steven W. Chartier$10,036$2,947-70.6%
Jack F & Lorraine Bechtold Trust$8,418$2,933-65.2%
Ray A. Vonderschmidt$14,473$2,922-79.8%
Richard L. Dahl$5,392$2,877-46.6%
Richard L Rieger, Inc.$2,856$2,8770.7%
Randy Jurgensmeier$6,542$2,796-57.3%
Jesse Geiger$9,361$2,792-70.2%
Timothy J. Ross$4,428$2,767-37.5%
Wayne A. Grimm$4,216$2,767-34.4%
Gladys - Harold W and Gladys a Jahnke Re Jahnke$9,458$2,734-71.1%
Duane Sinclair$11,573$2,728-76.4%
Scott E. Gigstad$10,473$2,716-74.1%
Laurel a Shablow$2,712$2,7120%
Brandon D. Adams$4,973$2,669-46.3%
Pamela R. Adams$4,973$2,669-46.3%
Gary W. Bryan$8,944$2,635-70.5%
Daniel R. Compton$13,012$2,591-80.1%
Ervin M. Deters$8,817$2,581-70.7%
Douglas W. Wulf$2,665$2,571-3.5%
Steven J. Handke$12,993$2,567-80.2%
Eugene R Hillyer Revocable Trust - Eugene R Hillyer$7,525$2,551-66.1%
William G Geisendorf$7,017$2,511-64.2%
Jerry L. Hisle Jr.$3,693$2,503-32.2%
Jeremy R. Olson$6,683$2,484-62.8%
W S & G PTNR$10,937$2,479-77.3%
Dennis D. Pyle$9,439$2,478-73.7%
Joseph W. Shirley$8,689$2,450-71.8%
Geiger Farms, LLC$8,133$2,391-70.6%
Nicholas S. James$7,570$2,371-68.7%
Jamie Schumann$14,498$2,351-83.8%
Lee Knudson Trust$4,584$2,333-49.1%
Matthew B. Sommers$12,034$2,319-80.7%
Warren Lee Ploeger$2,837$2,316-18.4%
Ronald Zimmers$4,672$2,314-50.5%
Terry Smith$11,462$2,311-79.8%
William F. Rand$2,363$2,282-3.4%
Jared A. Crider$2,085$2,2578.2%
Austin Madison$10,144$2,233-78%
Ethan J. Noll$19,610$2,221-88.7%
Mitchell Hisle$5,748$2,206-61.6%
Michael D. Pyle$5,450$2,200-59.6%
William & Carol Vonderschmidt Revliv Trust - William Vonders$1,186$2,16782.7%
Micah William Hartter$6,578$2,166-67.1%
Mary Harold & Mary Ellen Roesch Rev. Li Ellen Roesch$5,595$2,164-61.3%
Joe & Janice Bunck Properties, LLC$3,119$2,136-31.5%
Craig Stover$2,126$2,1260%
Harold E and Virginia R Howard Family Trust$2,420$2,124-12.2%
Macrina M Schecher-Robert a and Macrina M Schecher Family Trustee$4,350$2,113-51.4%
Diana L. Lanter$5,095$2,094-58.9%
Terri McNally$3,180$2,092-34.2%
David A. Zeit$8,096$2,084-74.3%
Wildcat Grain Company, Inc.$2,084$2,0840%
Lois Olson Testamentary Trust$5,790$2,055-64.5%
Diann a Schuetz Rev Trust - Diann a Schuetz$6,781$2,021-70.2%
Denise G. Olsen$10,029$2,013-79.9%
Marilyn J. Lindstrom$6,830$2,011-70.6%
Scoby Beef, LLC$6,134$2,004-67.3%
Barbara A. Klein$2,424$1,977-18.4%
Mark A. Westermann$7,806$1,976-74.7%
Chris Wegener$4,161$1,966-52.8%
Dale Aue Jr.$11,875$1,958-83.5%
Mark Kerl$7,768$1,953-74.9%
Barbara R. Pohlman$5,999$1,944-67.6%
Leslie D. Boeckner$6,688$1,938-71%
Michael A. Lednicky$6,260$1,933-69.1%
Mary J Miner - Gerald H and Mary J Miner Rev Trust$5,111$1,933-62.2%
Bobbi Darnell$0$1,916--
Charlotte Ponder$3,591$1,901-47.1%
Schilling Farms, Inc.$27,250$1,873-93.1%
Eldon D. Mellenbruch$4,271$1,859-56.5%
Brad Schrick$13,419$1,838-86.3%
Julia P Pape - Warner R & Julia P Pape Trust$1,838$1,8380%
Kristine A. Haverkamp$4,376$1,819-58.4%
Jeremy Sweat - Jeremy a & Carey R Sweat Rev Liv Trust$6,291$1,818-71.1%
Alan D. Wilson$4,106$1,808-56%
John D. Selland$4,728$1,808-61.8%
Bryce K. Brobst$11,893$1,793-84.9%
Sm-C Corporation$403$1,772339.7%
Bruce Bechtold$7,482$1,770-76.3%
Ron Nester$664$1,767166.1%
Wesley Rodvelt$2,644$1,698-35.8%
John Andrew Grathwohl$6,868$1,677-75.6%
Lois J. Bowen$1,148$1,66444.9%
Cody D. Holthaus$1,847$1,661-10.1%
Terry L. Olberding$4,462$1,661-62.8%
Lypat Farms Partnership$11,407$1,656-85.5%
Scott M. Spare$3,943$1,655-58%
Mary Hopkins$3,425$1,646-51.9%
Lyle H Chadwell and Mary E Chadwell Revocable Living Trust$5,193$1,643-68.4%
Blue Eyes Farms, LLC$2,436$1,639-32.7%
Donna M. Johnson$1,160$1,63340.8%
William F Speer III Rev Liv Trust$1,431$1,63114%
Rodney Nester$1,757$1,625-7.5%
Roderick D. Warren$8,764$1,622-81.5%
Mitchell Family Farms, LLC$2,934$1,595-45.6%
Andrew L. Kleopfer$5,296$1,589-70%
Kent Wege$11,943$1,576-86.8%
Greg Rodvelt$5,769$1,562-72.9%
Galen R. Grimm$5,452$1,560-71.4%
Evelyn Davis Irrevocable Trust$9,873$1,538-84.4%
Paul Yoesel$4,906$1,523-69%
Joesph E. Kneib Jr.$11,046$1,518-86.3%
Jeffrey G. Farrar$1,597$1,518-4.9%
Trego Land, LLC$6,070$1,511-75.1%
Mark Compton$2,996$1,497-50%
John Aberle$1,033$1,49444.6%
Grosfield Heritage Farms, LLC$1,995$1,491-25.3%
Brady S. Hageman$4,263$1,488-65.1%
Harold E. Howard$2,446$1,470-39.9%
Bradley L. Chadwell$3,217$1,467-54.4%
Larry Rogers$3,718$1,440-61.3%
Antoinette Andrews -John & Antoinette Andrews Trustee$3,490$1,410-59.6%
Bob E. Tummons$4,510$1,376-69.5%
Ramona Schuster$4,585$1,361-70.3%
Bradley D. Snyder$2,421$1,327-45.2%
Andrew Wege$36,455$1,316-96.4%
Elaine Abramson$2,817$1,307-53.6%
Thomas E. Bunck$3,717$1,306-64.9%
Joshua S. Long$10,993$1,302-88.2%
Cynthia Manche$3,908$1,292-66.9%
Randall D. Thorson$2,354$1,268-46.1%
Richard K. Mueller$2,983$1,254-58%
Lakeview Farm, LLC$2,534$1,225-51.7%
Julia I Kruse Revocable Trust$7,447$1,214-83.7%
Travis L. Blanton$5,355$1,212-77.4%
James A. Currie$3,545$1,205-66%
Annalee -Robert&analee Kleopfer Revtrust B Kleopfer$1,264$1,198-5.2%
Sue Beyer$4,428$1,148-74.1%
Adam Mauck$5,248$1,135-78.4%
Douglas Kleopfer$4,388$1,131-74.2%
Glenda L. Foley$1,661$1,125-32.3%
Thurman D and Grace L Miller Rev Living Trust - Thurman Mill$2,815$1,107-60.7%
Richard S Rodvelt$5,732$1,091-81%
Esther - Esther M Miller Trustee DTD July 2 M Miller$2,670$1,070-59.9%
John & Latonda M Goodson Trust - Latonda M Goodson$2,650$1,070-59.6%
Hillis Bowen$2,153$1,048-51.3%
Bruce Kleppe$2,872$1,047-63.5%
Helen B. Hageman$4,830$1,007-79.2%
Jeff Veach$3,233$1,002-69%
H O Middlebrook Trust Agreement 12/31/1941$6,192$998-83.9%
Ken Babcock Family Trust$0$994--
Nancy-Stateline Sab Glen Kenna S Babcock, LLC$1,128$994-11.9%
Marian S. Tubach$2,285$992-56.6%
Jared A. Hartter$2,980$991-66.7%
Gary Behrnes$71$9771,276.1%
H O Middlebrook Trust Agreement 12/19/1941$2,990$971-67.5%
Reta Sue Taylor$2,613$963-63.1%
Anthony T. Rolfe$1,203$951-20.9%
Merced Montes$5,506$942-82.9%
Emmett W. Schmitz$2,410$939-61%
J. R. Adcock$4,398$936-78.7%
John B. Geiger$7,868$917-88.3%
Sandra Morey$622$90645.7%
Kelvin I. Pyle$4,785$900-81.2%
Carolyn McGown$11,014$885-92%
Dick M. Delaney$5,385$862-84%
Glen David Grimm$2,941$823-72%
Lincoln A. Hillyer$2,363$812-65.6%
Catherine Sigal$924$773-16.3%
William A. Sechler$1,701$754-55.7%
Finger Family Farm, LLC$1,813$754-58.4%
Wendell K Ganstrom - Wendell K Ganstrom Family Trust$663$75413.7%
Bonnie Howard$0$742--
William Thompson$8,227$742-91%
Donna Lanter$2,049$742-63.8%
Virgil L. Heinen$2,576$737-71.4%
Linda S. Spangler$1,812$734-59.5%
Jerry W Hjetland$717$7170%
Allan Spellmeier$0$708--
Lowell Dean Spellmeier$0$708--
Vincent D. Ploeger$1,727$705-59.2%
Richard L. Lanter$1,083$705-34.9%
Philip Korthanke$1,418$699-50.7%
Philip Korthanke$1,418$699-50.7%
Mary E. Schilling$1,635$686-58%
Rebecca J. Schilling$1,635$686-58%
Andres Farm Account$2,177$685-68.5%
Francis D and Eva N Cox Trust$1,532$681-55.5%
Debra Adcock$495$66935.2%
Jared Allan Spellmeier$1,967$665-66.2%
Judith A. Tollefson$1,096$660-39.8%
Jeffrey L. Swearingen$8,421$655-92.2%
Frederick-Frederick Lee Hall Trust Date L Hall$2,130$654-69.3%
Jocelyn M. Dvorak$0$645--
Robert Bruce Miller$3,048$642-78.9%
Kenna S. Fischman$3,025$637-78.9%
Matea Lee Babcock$3,025$637-78.9%
Daryl J. Wilhelm$4,185$634-84.9%
Charles E. McNally$634$6340%
Darrin W. Matthias$3,058$624-79.6%
Edward D. Winter$5,089$623-87.8%
Natur's Way, Inc.$3,780$612-83.8%
Joy E. Lednicky$1,566$607-61.2%
Donald E. Dozier$600$6000%
Ronald W. Sextro$1,889$592-68.7%
Wanda Tietjens$9,665$583-94%
H James and Judith Bruning Rev Trustee AGR DT 010903$1,189$580-51.2%
Darren M. Thorson$602$579-3.8%
Patrick L. Jurgensmeier$1,270$573-54.9%
Edwin Winterscheidt$3,684$572-84.5%
Theresa A. Hammersmith$4,219$564-86.6%
Joann Tennal$1,812$550-69.6%
Matthew D. Tollefson$2,937$543-81.5%
Benjamin Scott Swinger$405$54033.3%
Eddie Lee Oswald$1,721$525-69.5%
Melanie A. Mears$1,492$521-65.1%
Luke Pollock$1,485$518-65.1%
H a Weingart Farm$1,394$504-63.8%
Rosalie Faye Steele$958$503-47.5%
Daryll D & Anita Sue Jamvold Rev Living Trust$3,287$500-84.8%
David A. Lowe$498$4980%
Ty Compton$2,683$491-81.7%
Richard L& Lucinda J Schilling Rev LVG Trustee - Richard Lee Schi$1,102$486-55.9%
Gary Koch Trucking, Inc.$1,183$457-61.4%
Lester Gibson$1,165$456-60.9%
Ryan E. Shockley$1,011$444-56.1%
Bruce Tryon$434$4340%
Lori Fordyce$429$4290%
Chris E. Kroll$2,162$412-80.9%
Terrence S. Rice$0$404--
Covert Land, LLC$302$40233.1%
Spencer G. Madison$995$380-61.8%
Herb Kooser$4,044$342-91.5%
Quentin Overdick$1,661$332-80%
Robert N. Dietrich$650$285-56.2%
Craig H Wischropp$1,419$284-80%
Jeff S. Spiker$1,463$260-82.2%
Howard W. Wist$941$259-72.5%
Kenneth G. Dishon II$671$254-62.1%
Sharan K. Kerl$664$232-65.1%
Clifford Lowe Jr.$208$2080%
Mary K Cummings Living Trust$535$186-65.2%
Zon P. Middendorf$188$179-4.8%
Marjorie M Idol Trust$0$176--
Malen M. Koehn$175$1750%
Noah Daniel Pollock$4,471$171-96.2%
Adam S. Hinton$261$162-37.9%
Julie a Jamvold$593$154-74%
Leon A. Huning$399$144-63.9%
James D. Dietrich$325$143-56%
Mary S. Dietrich$325$143-56%
David L. Roesch$249$121-51.4%
Glenda C. Torkelson$251$101-59.8%
Michael D. Ploeger$223$96-57%
Jeremy Wayne Schuetz$201$82-59.2%
Legler Farm$183$74-59.6%
Chad Soden$115$71-38.3%
Michael B. Dickinson$1,251$51-95.9%
Larry M Oltjen$42$420%
Craig A. Boeckner$1,098$35-96.8%
Charles W. Wist$136$31-77.2%
Bradley Goering$61,157$28-100%
Christopher W. Knabe$69$26-62.3%
Nick Scott$66$24-63.6%
Beverly A. Tummons$649$17-97.4%
Seven Sibs Farm, LLC$420$14-96.7%
Rosemary Kopp$0$8--
Gerald E. Snyder$221$0-100%
Luther T. Larson$911$0-100%
Pearl M Jensen Trust$951$0-100%
Randy J. Smith$440$0-100%
William E. Myers$108$0-100%
Douglas B. Fortmeyer$448$0-100%
Stephen G. Holthaus$32$0-100%
Brett Covert$4,850$0-100%
Bryan Wenger$189$0-100%
Dennis J. Beyer$4,156$0-100%
Donald Clifford Merchant II$188$0-100%
Eddie R. Jones$1,061$0-100%
Genevieve a Wenger Rev Living Trust$6,905$0-100%
Hiawatha Cemetery Society$125$0-100%
James C Meyer Trust$408$0-100%
James E Pike Estate$850$0-100%
John Gernon - John F Gernon Rev Trust F Gernon$3,615$0-100%
Michael L. Williams$1,485$0-100%
Monte Unruh$702$0-100%
Overdick Farms, Inc.$35,212$0-100%
Phyllis Jean Henry$26$0-100%
Rebecca M. Bacon$305$0-100%
Robert Johansen$295$0-100%
Shirley Wenger$354$0-100%
Susan Deckinger$337$0-100%
Warner Pape Jr.$407$0-100%
Wesley Meyer$7$0-100%
William W. Howard$742$0-100%
Estate of Bill Burnett$613$0-100%
Jacob Selland$165$0-100%
Merle Rake Jr.$3,500$0-100%
Robert L. Gaskell$418$0-100%
Brian W. Schweitzer$14,785$0-100%
Mark Nenadov$7,263$0-100%
Michelle E Tedman$162$0-100%
Steven Shafer$8,917$0-100%
The Hawk Trust Dated 9-14-1984$1,171$0-100%
Wade E. Ploeger$8,613$0-100%
Rebecca M. Bacon$610$0-100%
Tony M. Heiniger$1,040$0-100%
Donald Van JR & Sue L Koelliker Trust - Donald Van Koelliker$13,147$0-100%
Eileen E. Covert$1,338$0-100%
Koppa Trust$1,959$0-100%
Rebecca M. Bacon$610$0-100%
Rosalie J Koppa Trust$1,959$0-100%
Total subsidies$21,268,655$12,468,403-41.4%


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